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Our performance


The City of Canada Bay strives to be open and transparent about our performance. We take pride in our work and we want our community to be aware of how we are progressing with our key capital projects.

To visit our latest reports please click here

To see the performance report for previous financial year 2019/20 click here. For 2018/19 click here.

In the 2020/21 financial year, the City of Canada Bay Capital Works program had a total budget of $39.78 million. Of that budget to date, we have spent $23,335,000. Click on the headings below to see how all our Capital Works projects are tracking.

● On track

● Moved to next financial year

● At risk of delay or cost impact

● On hold while issues being addressed

● Completed

On certain browsers, you may need to scroll left and right to see the whole table.

Parks and Recreation
Project Budgeted 2020/21 Spent 2020/21 Status Comment
Annual Parks Renewal Program - Playground Equipment $583,000 $536,000 1 Five Dock Park Playground and Outdoor Fitness  - construction work commenced in June 2020 and was completed in time for the community to enjoy over the October 2020 long weekend.
The mobility parking works are scheduled to be completed in June, following discussions with Ausgrid regarding their underground services. For more information visit:

Alexandra Reserve Playground Upgrade - works commenced in late September and were completed on 27 October. For more information visit:
Annual Skateboard Park Renewal Program $85,000 $71,000 1 This year's program includes improvements to the skate bowls and surrounds, to ensure a safer experience for skaters, riders and visitors to the park, including improvements to sit, watch or relax. The first Stage of priority works were completed in February 2021. We are waiting for Ausgrid to complete minor works to one light pole next to the skate bowl before completing the next stage of works. 
Wangal Reserve and Punt Park POM Actions $1,006,000 $994,000 1 Stage 1 works were completed in 2019. 
Stage 2 works commenced in July 2020 and included a new playground and flying fox along with jetty works. These works were completed in early December 2020 with the official opening held on 12 December.
Access improvements including accessible parking and beach access to launch kayaks is currently under construction.
For further information head to: 
Upgrade existing sightscreens at Drummoyne Oval $167,000 $169,000 4 The sightscreens have now been installed and have been fitted with a transparency membrane. All works were completed on 20 October.
Deakin St Foreshore Access Investigation $3,000 $3,000 1 We are preparing a lease with the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment over the site.
Drummoyne Oval/ Taplin Stormwater re-use $280,000 $63,000 1 The Stage 1 pipeline installation works were completed in February 2021.
Contract for the Stage 2 pump station works has been awarded and works have commenced. Awaiting delivery information from supplier of tanks.
Draft drawings for Stage 3 to upgrade the recycled water treatment plant are being reviewed.
Annual Shade Renewal Program $96,000 $70,000 1 Shade cloths/structures have now been installed at:
1. Cabarita Park playground (June)
2. Murphy Reserve, Mortlake (September)
3. Five Dock Park (October)
This completed the annual shade renewal program.
Annual Outdoor Exercise EquipmentProgram $169,000 $169,000 1 In February, new outdoor fitness equipment has been installed at Bayview Park, Concord to replace the previous equipment.
Five Dock Park Playground and Outdoor Fitness  - construction work commenced in June 2020 and was completed in time for the community to enjoy over the October 2020 long weekend. For more information visit: 
Dog Off - Leash Site Improvements $100,000 $97,000 1 We are currently consulting on a possible off-leash dog park at Wire Mill Park. A report will go to Council following the consultation which ends on 5 May 2021.
For more info visit:
Create a Swimsite at Bayview Park $7,000 $7,000 2 Site analysis underway, including water quality sampling.  A concept design has been prepared. Consultation closed on 25 September 2020 and the summary was presented at the 17 November Council meeting. The detailed design has progressed and an ecological assessment has been prepapred for delivery of the project in 2021. It has been identified that a Development Application is required and will be lodged mid-June.
For further information, please visit:
McIllwaine Park - River Activation $133,000 $106,000 2 Tenders for the works closed in April and are currently being assessed. Water quality sampling has commenced and sediment testing is being conducted. On-ground works are expected to begin in mid-2021 with works expected to be complete by late 2021.
For more information visit:
Park Signage Audit & Renewal $125,000 $17,000 1 Bay Run - Pavement marking night works are almost complete. Residents directly impacted have been notified. VMS boards have been installed on both ends of Bay Run. Works to be completed by mid-June due to some instances of poor weather.
Interpretive signage is in production. Installation is expected by end of June.
Park Signage - New signage for Sibbick Street Reserve has been installed. Other signs are being prepared for identified parks.
8 June
Parks Renewal Program - Non - Playground Equipment $95,000 $90,000 1 Foreshore improvements at Armitage Reserve, Chiswick were completed in July 2020.
Timbrell Park POM & Masterplan $5,000 $0 2 The project has been delayed pending the outcome from investigations into an Aboriginal Midden. For further details go to -
Massey Park Golf Course Safety Screens (Alongside 2nd hole) $415,000 $400,000 1 The safety screen was installed in April. A new footpath for golfers is now being constructed with works expected to be completed in June.
Queen Elizabeth Park - Royal Circle Restoration $17,000 $17,000 1 Feedback from internal stakeholders on the Architect's concept design has been collected. The Architect has now revised the concept design based on this feedback and has prepared costings and Tender documentation ahead of delivery of works in 2021/22
Lysaght Park Path Lighting and Vegetation $153,000 $81,000 1 Perimeter landscaping was completed in March 2021 to act as a buffer between the road and the sportsfield. Community consultation on the pathway lighting concept designs closed on 9 October 2020 and the pole light option was supported to proceed. The lighting works commenced construction in April 2021 with works expected to be completed in June.  For more information please visit:
Playground upgrade - Queen Elizabeth Park $24,000 $15,000 2 Site Analysis has been conducted and the initial round of community consultation closed on 1 February 2021. We further consulted with an ecologist on the design in April and will now be finalising the design and seeking quotes with works expected to commence mid-year.
For more information please visit:
Playground upgrade - Henley Park $6,000 $6,000 1 Planning and consultation was undertaken in November for the renewal of Henley Park playground.  Quotes are being sourced for the playground upgrade works for commencement mid-May 2021. For more information, please visit:
DIAP - Parks & Playgrounds $77,000 $12,000 1 An audit of our playgrounds has been conducted to enable prioritisation of improvements for access and inclusion. 
Funding has been allocated to the renewal of the playground surface at Warbrick Park, Concord West and accessibility at Five Dock Park playground.
Access improvements at Cabarita Park will commence in mid-2021.
Nield Park Sportsfield Lighting $29,000 $24,000 2 A concept lighting design has been prepared, pending the results of a geotech investigation that has been undertaken. A Development Application is being prepared for submission to Council, for independent assessment of this project. The community will be consulted as part of this process.
Sibbick Street Reserve $20,000 $15,000 1 The following improvements to the reserve are scheduled to be completed by mid-May: 
Refreshing the basketball court, Renewing the old fence,  Park furniture maintenance, General garden maintenance and new signage.
Cabarita Park Playground Fencing $36,000 $0 1 Contractor has been engaged to install fencing around the playground. Construction is scheduled to be completed by end of June 2021.
Other projects $307,000 $64,000  
Parks and Recreation $3,938,000 $3,026,000
Roads and Traffic
Project Budgeted 2020/21 Spent 2020/21 Status Comment
Annual Accessibility Works Program (Bus Stop Upgrades etc) $500,000 $265,000 1 The budget has been expanded to include new footpath links that will improve pedestrian accessibility within our LGA. A total of 6 Bus stops has been upgraded as part of the program. Footpath links at Flavelle and Gipps Street corner, from Wellbank to Ian Parade and Adam street have been completed. Footpath links at George Street, North strathfield from Hamilton Street to Pomeroy Street is to be completed by early May. 
Annual Capital Works Traffic Facilities Program $156,000 $77,000 1 Civil Design to improve a number of traffic facilities is complete. The works planned for raised thresholds along Frederick Street, Concord is complete. Pedestrian refuges at Renwick Street and Edwin Street and Connecticut & Norman St  intersection is to be completed by May. 
Annual Footpaths Renewal Program $321,000 $158,000 1 Footpath renewal works include Duncan Street, Drummoyne - which is now complete. Footpath repair works are currently underway in various locations.
Annual Kerb/Gutter Renewal Program $145,000 $41,000 1 The projects identified for the Kerb & Gutter Renewal Program this year are Duncan Street, Drummoyne, Bayview Street, Concord and Speed Avenue, Russell Lea. K&G renewals in Duncan St, Bayview St and Speed Avenue are now complete. 
Annual Regional Roads Program $122,000 $122,000 4 The Regional Road Repair Program is jointly funded by RMS and Council. Under this program, further works will be undertaken on Harris Road, Five Dock. The proposed works is continuation of slab replacement works which were undertaken in June 2020. Slab rehabilitation works are currently underway and expected to be completed by May 2021, weather permitting.
Annual Road Pavement Renewal Program $484,000 $397,000 1 The project is complementary to the Annual Regional Roads Program and represents a contribution from Council towards these jointly funded works.  The works are being undertaken on Harris Road, Five Dock.
Roads To Recovery Program $361,000 $202,000 4 Road resurfacing works under this program is now complete. Works include Speed Avenue (Russell Lea), Bayview Road (Concord), Werona Avenue & Bickleigh Street (Abbotsford) 
Traffic Committee Initiatives $47,000 $42,000 1 A garden bed has been constructed in the Bertram Street/Hilly Street roundabout.
A new traffic island is to be constructed in Davidson Avenue at Majors Bay Road before the end of the financial year
Public Domain Plan Transport Interchange at Station Precinct $10,000 $18,000 1 Construction of new raised pedestrian/cyclists crossing on Shoreline Drive at Guathorpe Street is scheduled for construction towards the end of the financial year. Feedback from TfNSW is currently being reviewed for other elements of the plan. 
Victoria Road, Drummoyne - Public Domain Design $30,000 $0 1 Following Victoria Road Urban Review which was conducted in 2018/2019, a public domain design will be developed for Victoria Road and surrounding streets. A brief is currently being prepared for design & documentation. At this stage, this is a design project only  and will inform the possible public domain outcomes in the area. Any future works are subject to availability of funding in coming years. Detailed Survey has been prepared and the design will commence shortly.
New Cycle Connection QEP and Burwood Park - UIAP $1,373,000 $1,297,000 4 Broughton Street Cycleway is now open for public use from 29 April 2021.
Canada Bay Bike Plan $25,000 $5,000 1 Draft Bike Plan will be prepared pending the outcomes of E-W regional cycleway route concept plans, which have been through a proces of community consultation. To find more please visit
Annual Bridge Renewal Program $50,000 $0 1 An assessment on public bridges with LGA was completed in 2018. A draft program of works has been developed with works on the Gipps Street pedestrian bridge is to commence in June.
Intersection Upgrade George and Pomeroy Street $300,000 $210,000 1 The Department of Planning, Industries and Environment have funded design & documentation for the proposed intersection upgrade.  A final business case is being prepared to support the proposal. Extensive investigation of public utility services is currently underway.
Travanion Street Batter Stabilisation $32,000 $3,000 1 An investigation of feasible options has been undertaken. The presence of Ausgrid services at the location is an issue. In addition, a boundary identification survey to determine the position of the wall has been completed.  A draft plan outlining footpath protection measures has been prepared for consultation. The works are planned in June.
Regional Cycleway Upgrade - RMS Grant $300,000 $12,000 1 Concept plans have been developed and community consultation has been undertaken. To find out the latest on this significant project please visit 
Canada Bay Bike Plan Implementation Program $123,000 $3,000 1 Consultation was undertaken in September 2020 regarding the construction of a shared path connecting between Russell Park and Lysaght Park on Byrne Avenue. Detailed design work is currently being undertaken. To find out more please visit
Pedestrian Access Mobility Plan (PAMP) $87,000 $65,000 1 A consultant has been engaged to prepare the plan and extensive community consultation was undertaken in February 2021. A draft plan is currently being prepared and will be place on public exibition my mid 2021
Jellicoe Street, Concord Road Closure $498,000 $474,000 4 Jellicoe Street piazza works are complete. The space was opened for public use on 17 December 2020 
Tennyson Road, Mortlake Pedestrian Crossing $100,000 $8,000 2 Light design issues are currently being resolved to enable construction of the crossing.
Homebush Bay Drive & Harrison Avenue Crossing Design $3,000 $2,000 1 A concept design has been developed. Council is currently seeking feedback from TfNSW on the proposed pedestrian crossing.
Clermont Lane - Parking Barrier $6,000 $4,000 1 Detailed design work has commenced following consultation with key stakeholders.
Local Roads Heavy Patching Program $100,000 $47,000 1 The budget will be spent to carry out heavy patching works on our roads. The works are commecing in coming weeks. Heavy patching works in Burwood Road, Tennyson Road and Spring Street(abbortsford) are complete. Works in Cabarita Road & Hospital Road is planned in May.
Cooper Street, Strathfield - Upgrade Design $15,000 $14,000 4 A geotechnical investigation has been undertaken to identify requirements to determine pavement design for Cooper Street. The works are being planned for 2021-22 financial year.
Park Avenue/Renwick Street - pedestrian refuges $30,000 $29,000 1 Construction is intended to be completed in April 2021. 
Greenlees Avenue - Design parking treatment adjacent to park $4,000 $0 1 Design work has commenced.
Wellbank Street - Design car parking treatment $5,000 $0 1 Design work has commenced.
Footpath Condition Data Collection $70,000 $1,000 2 Council has engaged Pavement Management Solution to undertake condition audit for footpath assets, and the audit will be completed in mid 2021 to inform priorities for future works program.
Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program $804,000 $592,000 1 Department of Infrastructure and Regional development has allocated funding to improve local infrastructure through Local Roads Community Infrastructure Program (LRCI). Tennyson Road and Edwin Street, Mortlake and McKinnon Avenue, Five Dock will be renewed under this program. The works in McKinnon Avenue, Edwin Street and Tennyson Road are now complete.  Further funding (phase 2 & 3) has been annouced under the LRCI program.
Majors Bay Road and Norman Street, Concord Black spot $55,000 $50,000 1 Construction is almost completed pending linemarking works. 
Gale Street Pedestrian Crossing $100,000 $0 1 A new raised pedestrian crossing is proposed to be constructed in Gale Street outside St Patricks Church, Concord, before the end of the financial year.
Roads and Traffic $6,256,000 $4,138,000  
Buildings and Property
Project Budgeted 2020/21 Spent 2020/21 Status Comment
Cabarita Pool - Replacement of lift and Ramp build $12,000 $12,000 4 Works completed
Solar Panel Installations at The Connection $85,000 $57,000 1 Panels Installation complete - Ausgrid approvals underway. 
Drummoyne Pool Lift Replacement $158,000 $162,000 4 Completed - the new lift has been installed and is operational.
Kokoda Track - Storage & car park lighting $135,000 $3,000 2 Contractor engaged. Awaiting a CC, and this has further delayed the project. Works are set to commence on 1 June, however will not be finished until July. The project will run into next FY. 18/05
Drummoyne Pool Renewals $311,000 $175,000 1 Works are currently being scoped through a condition report prior to procuring, with works to be undertaken in the offseason 2021.
Cabarita Pool Renewals $87,000 $16,000 1 Works are currently being scoped through a condition report prior to procuring, with works to be undertaken in the offseason 2021.
Other projects $453,000 $276,000  
Buildings and Property $1,241,000 $701,000
Major Projects
Project Budgeted 2020/21 Spent 2020/21 Status Comment
Five Dock Public Domain Streetscape (Stage 2 - Southern End) $2,760,000 $1,245,000 1 QMC Group was appointed to deliver this project on behalf of Council. Construction commenced in January 2021 with completion expected in November 2021. Works will be scheduled such that they do not impact Ferragosto in August 2021.
Goddard Park Amenities Building Upgrade $186,000 $125,000 1 A Development Application (DA2020/0379) has been lodged for this site. Please refer to Council's Online DA Tracking Tool for further information regarding the DA. To receive email updates on the amenities building project, please follow the Collaborate page on
Halliday Park - Automatic Toilet Installation $125,000 $81,000 2 A Development Application (DA2020/0351) has been lodged for this site. Please refer to Council's Online DA Tracking Tool for further information regarding the DA. To receive email updates on the amenities building project, please follow the Collaborate page on
Redevelopment of Concord Oval $22,000,000 $12,545,000 2 Piling of Building A completed and concrete pouring of columns and walls of building A throughout May 2021.
Construction of Building B delayed aboriginal relics finding on-site.

Formal Aboriginal consultation and preparation of an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Report (ACHAR) has been carried out. A permit application was submitted to Heritage NSW / Premier & Cabinet on 17 May 2021.
Charles Heath Reserve Project $300,000 $106,000 1 The Architect is developing the design with the inclusion of feedback received during the consultation process.
Final plans will be shared on Collaborate in June 2021.
The Connection - Shade Sail Installation $487,000 $491,000 4 Construction is complete, with the amphitheatre now open to the public.
Timbrell Park Fields and Amenities Upgrade $550,000 $128,000 2 Council is seeking pricing for a building contractor to commence works in July 2021. To receive email updates on the amenities building project, please follow the Collaborate page on
Goddard Park Crib Wall remediation works $9,000 $11,000 2 Geotech investgations have identified the backfill material requires remediation. We are working with a structural engineer to develop construction drawings and will then obtain quotes, with works to align with amenities building renewal in second half of 2021.
Major Projects $26,417,000 $14,732,000  
Drainage and Marine Works
Project Budgeted 2020/21 Spent 2020/21 Status Comment
Exile Bay Flood Study $28,000 $28,000 4 Council has completed the Exile Bay Catchment Flood Study. The Final Study is available on Council's Website.
Rhodes Foreshore Lighting Replacement $163,000 $12,000 2 Council is renewing the foreshore lighting in Rhodes from Lewis Berger Park to the Bennelong Bridge. This existing infrastructure is nearing the end of its serviceable life. Smart City principles are being incorporated into the renewal. Renewal works will commence June 2021
Foreshore Structures - Menzies Reserve $10,000 $10,000 4 Menzies Reserve Seawall repairs have been completed. Living Sea Wall tiles have been attached to increase habitat and biodiversity of this seawall. 
Foreshore Structures - Iron Cove $107,000 $107,000 1 Subject to Council receiving grant funding under the State Government Coast and Estuaries Management Program, Council proposes to undertake the design for the renewal of seawalls from Sisters Bay to north of Iron Cove Bridge. The existing seawalls have reached the end of their serviceable life. A further grant application for the implementation of the renewal works will be made at the completion of the design.
Drainage - CCTV inspections condition rating and defects $100,000 $0 4 Council has completed the CCTV inspections of 2km of its drainage system to identify stormwater pipes that require relining and develop long term renewal programs.
Drainage - Lower St Georges Cres $400,000 $192,000 1 Works are progressing well on a resident suggested option which protects the beach and avoids a stormwater pipeline extension into Willyama Cove whilst addressing a stormwater flooding issue at 104 Lower St Georges Crescent. The works commenced in December 2020 and will be completed in June 2021.
Drainage  - Polding St $170,000 $8,000 1 Council is rehabilitating a stormwater pipe which flows from Polding Street to Bowman Street, Drummoyne. Works in Polding street will commence in June 2021
Floodplains - Powells Creek East Catchment FS, FRMS, FRM $60,000 $25,000 1 Council has engaged a consultant to undertake the Powells Creek Catchment Flood Study. The Flood study once drafted will be taken through a process of community consultation in 2021.
Uhrs Point recreational craft launch facility $50,000 $26,000 1 Council has secured a grant under the TfNSW 'Boating Now' program which is designed to encourage recreational use of our waterways. Community consultation has been completed and design improvements incorporated into the design. Council anticipates commencement of construction in June 2021 with completion in November 2021. 
Pedestrian Crossing Safety Improvement Program $130,000 $0 1 Council has audited all Pedestrian Crossings for lighting compliance. The objective of this project is to prepare lighting designs for those pedestrian crossings which do not achieve compliance with the Australian Standards. Priority crossings being Gale Street Pedestrian Crossing and the Brewer Street Pedestrian Crossing at the intersection with Majors Bay Road will recieve an upgrade this financial year. This project is a multi year program and pedestrian crossing lighting compliance upgrades will be performed progressively in accordance with the identified priority.
Minor pit and lintel - Drainage Renewal $100,000 $22,000 1 Council has completed an audit of its pit and pipe network. This audit is being used to inform a renewal of pits and lintels to ensure our drainage network is performing as designed. A contractor is currently implementing these renewals.
Drainage Renewal Ada Street Tonkin Pipe line Re-lining $170,000 $8,000 1 Council is relining a stormwater pipeline which drains the Ada Street catchment to ensure the function Councils drainage network. The relinning works are proposed to commence in June 2021. 
Stormwater Pipe inlet safety program $100,000 $0 4 Council has completed the safety audit of its stormwater pits. A program of safety upgrades is under development which will then be implemented in future financial years capital works programs.
Massey Park Landfill Protection Renewal $300,000 $291,000 3 Council is undertaking the design for the renewal of structures comprising the Massey Park Canal and the Exile Bay Seawall. These design will be consulted with the community in 2022.
Light Poles Condition Report & Priority Renewals $35,000 $9,000 2 Council has audited its public domain poles. Council has completed the replacement of a damaged sportsfield lighting pole in Edwards Park, Concord. A pole in St Lukes Park North will also be repaired in June. A further condition and risk assessment of Council's public domain lighting infrastructure will be performed to develop maintenance and renewal programmes.
Drainage and Marine Structures $1,923,000 $738,000