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Commercial waste

You're invited to participate in our free business e-waste collection!

The City of Canada Bay partnered with e-waste recycler Sircel to offer a free e-waste collection service to local businesses from Monday, 19 to Friday, 23 August 2024.

We've helped to divert over 20 tonnes of e-waste from landfill through this program since 2012. Join this free e-waste collection and you could help us divert even more!

  • Registrations are now opened and will close Friday, 2 August 2024. Limited spaces are available. Register here to join.

Please note, eligible businesses must operate with the City of Canada Bay LGA and businesses must register for a collection. Type of e-waste items, and quantity of items, must be specified at time of registration.

A confirmation email will be sent after registration. A Sircel representative will confirm a pick-up time and location prior to collection.

Accepted items:

  • Information technology and telecommunications equipment including computers and peripherals, imaging equipment, power supplies and accessories, user terminals and systems, surveillance equipment and sound amplification systems.
  • Miscellaneous electronic waste including electronic tools, consumer equipment, automatic dispensers, general appliances, lighting, monitoring and control instruments.

For a full list of acceptable items click here or see registration page. 

Not accepted:

  • Hazardous items including but not limited to: products contaminated with radioactive or bio hazards, smoke detectors with radioactive isotopes, asbestos contained product, polychlorinated biphenyl containing products
  • Solar Panels
  • Batteries

Important: Council and Sircel are not responsible for any information left on e-waste devices. While we take care in the reuse process, data security is your responsibility. Please remember to remove any sensitive data from your computer systems before collection.

Most collected e-waste will be dismantled for recycling, while some items will be refurbished and sold at low cost to local community groups, students, and the public, or donated to local and overseas aid organisations.

Information about your commercial waste service

Download the City of Canada Bay Waste Info app (available in your app store) or contact Council’s Waste Hotline on 1300 551 659 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm for any of the following:

  • Details of your collection day or week
  • To arrange repair/replacement of damaged or stolen bins
  • To report missed services
  • Help on the correct bin to use for different items.

Find out about programs and assistance for businesses as part of the NSW Bin Trim program on the EPA website.

Find a recycler or recycling equipment at Planet Ark’s Business Recycling Directory.

For more information on reducing waste and ensuring your business is sustainable, visit our Sustainable Business page.


Applying for new bins or changes to commercial services

All properties classified Commercial or Non-Rateable in Council’s rating system can elect to have a Council or private company waste collection service. Council offers the equivalent of its residential bin service to commercial properties with the exclusion of the kerbside bulk household collection.

Fill in one of the below forms to apply for a paid council collection of your business waste and recycling. The form must be lodged to commence, increase, decrease or cancel a waste service, and a minimum two weeks’ notice must be given for any changes.

While Council’s commercial property waste collection service operates 5 days a week, (Mon-Fri), commercial properties electing to use Council’s commercial service will only be serviced once a week. The servicing day will align with the residential collection zone of the area your property is located within.

Waste, recycling and garden organics services are available with the following collection frequencies:

  • Waste, collected weekly
  • Recycling, collected fortnightly
  • Garden Organics (optional), collected fortnightly (alternate week to recycling)

All commercial properties wanting to utilise Councils service are required to have a recycling bin as part of their service.