The Bay Run skirts what is referred to as an estuary. Estuaries offer critical habitat for many species of animals and provide vital services such as water filtration and habitat protection from the elements, for ecosystems and organisms.
What is an estuary?
An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal body of water that is partly sea, partly river or stream and partly land. They are places of transition from saltwater to freshwater, from tidal to non-tidal, and from wet to dry. They are often called bays, lakes, lagoons, harbours, rivers or inlets.
Rodd Park, Iron Cove, Five Dock Bay, Hen and Chicken Bay, Majors Bay, Yaralla Bay and Brays Bay are some examples of local estuaries within the City of Canada Bay.
The Parramatta River estuary hosts some unique ecosystems. Read more about each of them below.
If you would like to get involved in protecting these ecosystems, join Council's bushare group.
The Grey mangrove (Avicennia marina) is the most common and widespread mangrove found along the Bay run and along the foreshore of the City. With predicted increases in storm surge intensity and rising sea levels associated with climate change, mangroves will become increasingly important in protecting our foreshores.
How mangroves adapt to their environment
Grey mangroves are a natural ecosystem that occupy the intertidal zone between the shallows of the sandy soils and the river. They can grow up to 25 metres high, though trees between 5 to 10 metres are common along the Bay Run. Trees have a large trunk covered by light grey, finely fissured bark that supports a spreading leafy crown. The leaves of the grey mangroves are glossy green with a hairy grey underside, where you will find the pores (stomata) and salt glands. Mangrove flowers are small, pale yellow blooms that grow in clusters.
A key feature of the Grey mangroves is their peg-like roots called the pneumatophores. These are spongy, pencil-like roots that spread from the base of the trunk and grow vertically through the soil surface to enable the mangrove roots to breathe.
Mangroves have adapted to survive in extreme saline soil, which is waterlogged and has a lack of oxygen. The pneumatophores act like a snorkel and enable the plants to gain oxygen. Salt is secreted through small glands on the leaf, and rain or dew wash this back into the environment.
Unlike most seeds, mangrove seeds germinate while still attached to the tree – it’s a clever way to ensure they establish quickly when they settle in the ground.
Why mangroves matter
In the past, mangroves have been undervalued and often regarded as swampy wasteland. However, mangroves play an essential role in our local environment. Some of the environmental benefits include:
Threats to mangroves
Mangroves are a protected species under NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries) legislation. Vandalism of mangroves has been an ongoing problem in the City of Canada Bay. Both community members and Bushcare staff monitor and care for the various stands in the area. Types of vandalism include pruning, removal, cutting and destruction of mangroves. Other major threats to mangroves include:
How to protect mangroves
Coastal saltmarsh is a community of low shrubs, sedges, rushes, reeds, succulent herbs and grasses that are tolerant of high soil salinity and are able to withstand inundation by coastal tide. Saltmarsh communities thrive on sheltered muddy foreshores of coastal lakes and estuaries often accompanied by mangroves. They can occupy narrow strips of land on steeper fringes of tidal waters or vast plains across hundreds of metres comprising different saltmarsh species located many kilometres inland.
Why is coastal saltmarsh important?
Coastal saltmarshes have been undervalued and perceived as dirty swamps full of litter, which gets stuck amongst the low plants from slowly moving tidal waters. As a result, many saltmarsh fields have been drained and reclaimed for urban development over the past 200 years.
More recent research has proved saltmarsh to have high ecological value by fulfilling important functions:
Threats to coastal saltmarsh
Saltmarsh communities have been neglected and in severe decline in the past 200 years due to causes such as:
Local saltmarsh species in the City of Canada Bay:
How to protect saltmarsh
Saltmarsh in the Sydney Basin area is listed as an Endangered Ecological Community under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995.
Bar-tailed Godwits (Limosa Iapponica) are large migratory waders who travel from the northern hemisphere to Australian shores and sometimes as far as New Zealand every year. They are current record holders of the longest non-stop flight of 11,000 km in eight days at the average speed of 50 km/h. The Godwits lose up to half of their body weight during their exhausting journey.