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Cabarita pool goes electric

Sustainability | 24 March 2023

In March Council installed an electric heat pump at Cabarita Swimming Centre that will heat the pool water using 100% renewable electricity!

Replacing the old gas boiler at Cabarita with an electric heat pump is expected to reduce our gas use by 50%.

Council committed to phasing out gas in all Council operations from July 2021 and transitioning to renewable sources of energy. Until last month, Council’s public pool facilities at Drummoyne and Cabarita accounted for 90% of Council’s gas use so the new heat pump brings us a big step closer to our Emissions Reduction Action Plan goal of net zero emissions from Council operations by 2030.

Electric heat pumps are the most efficient way to heat water, producing roughly three to six units of heat for every unit of electricity used. They’re also cheaper and cleaner to operate than gas.

Council purchases 100% renewable electricity under a Southern Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils contract with Zen Energy and 24 other councils.

Drummoyne Pool is planned to transition to electric pool heating in late 2023.

To read more about Council’s journey to net zero emissions, visit


Sustainability | 24 March 2023