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Creating an inclusive place for all

Community & events | 13 May 2021

The City of Canada Bay has a diverse range of community services that aim to make our City an open and accessible place for our residents.

This includes advocacy for children and families, youth, seniors, homelessness, mental health, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, and improving social infrastructure and our community’s sense of belonging. Some highlights include:

Access and Inclusion Committee
Council has an Access and Inclusion Committee that advocates for the rights of people with a disability and works to ensure the City of Canada Bay remains an open and inclusive place for everyone. It consists of a diverse range of volunteers who share their knowledge and expertise. From advising planners on Development Applications, participating in the development of Council strategies, and providing feedback on the accessibility of Council projects during the design stage, the committee works tirelessly to improve access and inclusion for people from all walks of life.

For more information, including how you can become a member, visit

Seniors bus trips
The City of Canada Bay operates fortnightly social bus trips for seniors who live at home, including those with mobility issues. The full day bus outings take passengers to exciting locations across Sydney. The aim of the program is to improve social connection among older people and contribute to their overall wellbeing. For more information visit

Disability Inclusion and Action Plan
This year we are reviewing our Disability Inclusion and Action Plan (DIAP). This document outlines the strategies and actions Council will undertake to remove barriers that people with disability experience in their day-to-day lives and ensures that access and inclusion are embedded in every component of Council business. Our new DIAP will be placed on public exhibition for your feedback mid year.

Community & events | 13 May 2021